Rayence 1417WCC Wireless Csi
Rayence 1417WCC Wireless Csi
The DXT 1417 wireless detectors are ideal for in-room and portable applications by providing increased workflow efficiency in the X-ray room and beyond. Its durable carbon-fiber, seamless unibody construction combined with a shock, vibration and scratch resistant composition makes it well-suited for the most demanding imaging environments. An Access Point (AP) enables images to be directly sent to a Wi-Fi connected computer within seconds and a built-in memory storage permits taking images where a computer connection is not available as well as prevent lost images should there be an interruption of power. These are among many features that make the 1417WCC the ideal flat panel detector solution for both fixed and portable applications.
Package includes:
DR detector, computer w/touchscreen, imaging/archiving software for your specific practice and installation/training.
Detection Area: 14 x 17 in
Dimensions (W x L x H): 460 x 384 x 15.4 mm
Active Area: 422.7 x 357.6 mm
Sensor Type: Amorphous Silicon with TFT
Scintillator: Cesium-Iodide (Cesium)
Weight: <3.1 kg (6.8 lbs) Cesium
Active Pixel Number: 3268 × 2756 pixels
Pixel Pitch: 127 μm
Limiting Resolution: Max. 3.9 lp/mm
Energy Range: 40 - 150 kV
A/D Conversion: 14 or 16 bits
Data Acquisition Time: <2.0 sec(wired)
<5.0 sec(wireless)
Manufactured by: Rayence