Chiropractic Viewer Software

Chiropractic Viewer Software


The Xmaru Chiropractic Viewer is a robust viewer that comes with many features and tools for today’s chiropractors.  This stand-alone viewer comes with over fifty advanced measurement tools for today’s chiropractic practice.

This stand-alone viewer comes with the same features as the XmaruView, plus 55 more. The Xmaru ChiroViewer comes with standard features like, DICOM Send, Image Stitching, DICOM Print, Export/Import JPEG and DVD/CD Burning with viewer.  For disaster recovery, the Xmaru ChiroViewer is built with features like image backup/restore functions. An important feature on the Xmaru ChiroViewer is the short tutorial for measurment tools: allowing users not familiar with how to "draw" the measurement to become complete professionals.  Each tutorial explains the function and usage of the tool.  In addition, you can edit and make your own description for your tools.

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Measurement Tools


Vastine-Kinney Method of Pineal Gland Localization

Sella Turcica Size

Basilar Angle

McGregor’s Line

Chamberlain’s Line

Macrae’s Line

Height Index of Klaus

Boogard’s Line

Boogard’s Angle

Anterior Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation Measuremen

Lumbar Spine

Intervertebral Disc Height (Hurxthal's Method)

Intervertebral Disc Height (Farfan's Method)

Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Angles Lumbar Lordosis

Lumbosacral Lordosis Angle

Sacral Inclination

Lumbosacral Angle

Lumbosacral Disc Angle

Lumbar Gravity Line

Lateral-Bending Sign

Meyerding's Grading Method in Spondylolisthesis

Ullmann's Line

Eisenstein's Method for Sagittal Canal Measurement

Intercrestal Lineo

Cervical Spine

Atlantodental Interspace(ADI)

Method of Bull George’s Line

Posterior Cervical Line

Sagittal Dimension of the Cervical Spine Canel

Cervical Gravity Line

Cervical Lordosis (Angle of the Cervcal Curve)

Cervical Lordosis (Depth Measurement)

Cervical Lordosis (Method of Jochumsen)

Stress Lines of the Cervical Spine(Flexion)

Stress Lines of the Cervical Spine(Flexion)

Prevertebral Soft Tissueso

Thoracic Spine

Cobb's Method of Scoliosis Evaluation

Risser-Ferguson Method of Scoliosis Evaluation

Thoracic Kyphosis

Thoracic Cage Dimension

Lower Extremity

Teardrop Distance

Hip Joint Space Width

Acetabular Depth

Center-Edge Angle

Symphysis Pucis Width

Presacral Space

Acetabularr Angle

Iliac Angle and Index

Measurements of Protrusio Acetabuli

Femoral Angle

Skinner's Line

Axial Relationships of Knee

Upper Extremity

Glenohumeral Joint Space

Acromiohumeral Joint Space

Acromioclavicular Joint Space


Gonstead Measurements(Pelvis)

Cervical Curve